Academic Year/ School Timings

Academic Year/ School Timings

The school timings are from 8.45 am to 3.30 pm on all working days. First and Fourth Saturdays are working days.. 

The school office is open from 8.30 am to 4.00 pm on every working day. 

Pupils must be in their classrooms by the first bell at 8.45 am. At the second bell, on the days when there is School Assembly, all should march to the spot assigned to their respective Classes on the Assembly ground; on the other days they must sit in their respective class rooms in silence. At the third bell all must stand up for prayer. 

At the end of the day before the classes disperse, there will be thanks - giving prayer led by one of the senior class leaders in each class.

During intervals and playtime pupils should not go out of the school campus. They should avoid unwanted shouting or quarrellings or the use of discourteous language. 

The academic year is of twelve months duration from April to March . 


St.Antony's Public School 
Valiyathura, Vallakadavu PO 
Trivandrum, Kerala, India 695008


Phone: 0471 2506327